Monday, March 30


You need to know that happiness is worth fighting for.
You should never, ever, ever settle.
You should love with ALL of your heart.

Saturday, March 21

a reminder

what i know for sure is that
you have the right to
choose what is best for yourself now -- not four years
ago or even yesterday.
and changing your mind does not
mean acting irresponsibly; it's just the opposite.
when you honor what you know
your spirit is telling
you to do, you are making the
most conscientious
decision, one for which you are
willing to accept all
the consequences. you understand
that when you know
better, you ought to do better -- and doing better
sometimes means changing your mind;
and you realize that letting go of what others
think you should do is
the only way to reach your full potential...

every day,
passion speaks to us through our feelings.
that's why when you allow yourself to become
anesthetized by what others think,
you literally block yourself from living the life you were called to live.

i promise you that if you make a choice that doesn't
please your mate, your friends, your mother, or
whoever, the world will not fall apart -- the people
who truly love you want you to love yourself. and as
you become clearer about who you really are, you'll be
better able to decide what is best for you -- the
first time around." ~Oprah Winfrey


the nice girl needs to take a hike
she spends way too much time thinking of
and how they might feel and what might they think and how will they react.
the nice girl is getting in my way

Wednesday, March 11

it is me

I feel stretched tight.
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Tuesday, March 3


this wanting for things to be different
takes me away
from the now
from the precious, luscious moments that
swirl and embrace and make up my days