Friday, November 21

right there

all you need is right
right here
right now

Friday, November 14


my bike tire was nearing flatdom and I saw a man coming out of his house with his bike helmet on and he was headed to his garage. I asked him, as I was riding by, "do you have some air, my bike is almost flat?"

He said sure and actually grabbed his keys, walked up many steps to his home and came back out with a tire pump. We chatted about how much we like to ride bikes, how crappy the weather has been, we even introduced ourselves to each other. After I had finished pumping air into my tires, we both said "Have a nice day" and rode away.

Sometimes we just have to trust our intuition, trust ourselves in using that intuition, and trust others. Not everyone is out to kill or hurt us. Most people, I am guessing, want to connect in a good and simple way. Trust.


are the reason I get up every morning
and say to myself "today I will do my best"
you are the reason I go to bed every night
and say to myself "I could have done better"

Thursday, November 13


fall trees, front yard

you are a vibrant splash in this brilliant world
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